Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter weekend

Hey Mom!
Crazy that it's already time for the lip sync! I was just thinking about that actually, I wonder if it's gonna be weird without us, especially for Spencer and Charlie. Actually, if it's possible, could you try to send me the old videos from the DVDs over email? It would be pretty fun to have, I could show companions and stuff.
I heard about the volleyball success! Pretty awesome! Glad we finally got a win from Valencia. I only got two of those during my career. To be honest, if I could only have one, I'd still choose the Valencia tournament, that was pretty much the best day ever, but it was always frustrating to come up second. Also pretty sweet that Noah got MVP again! He's gotta be pretty stoked, he might get some good time on varsity next year!
Super weird to think I'm not going to Carp this year. It's kinda sad, that's one of my favorites. It's probably gonna be worse when you go to Lake Powell. But while I think about it, it really doesn't seem that long ago that I was there. It's like the mission froze me in time, it feels like LP was like a month ago, just because it was the last thing I did!
The Brussels attacks were pretty intense here. We had Zone Conference like, literally the day after. Pretty crazy that the missionaries were affected. But, one thing we did pull out is that the situation could be a lot worse. And their testimonies and work has influenced a lot of people outside of the Church. The Holy Ghost keeps us out of trouble, I've already had it happen several times to me. Not going to go into detail there. But if God didn't expect them to be involved, they wouldn't have been involved. President and I both think that this is a chance for their missionary work to touch the whole world.
So as for us this week, obviously we had Zone Conference already. That was sweet, and where the pictures from Sister Edgren came from. Other than that, we've still been in contact with our investigators. Things are looking good.
One pretty unexpected change. President went through with the switch back this week after all. I'm back with Elder Torres. It was a bummer saying goodbye to Elder Park. We had a really good time. It's also going to be weird splitting our investigators for the next few weeks of the transfer. I hope things all work out.
That's it from me though! Love you Mom!
Elder Haskett

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