Best Christmas present ever!!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
1st Transfer!!
Hey Mom!
Sorry about yesterday, I didn't realize how crazy transfer days are, we don't have PDays until Tuesdays usually. But yeah I did get transferred. It was kind of a bummer at first, Kraków was awesome. It was a little sad to leave and say bye to everyone, the ping pong table included. I did get to take part in a lot of mission traditions though. When you leave a city you buy a scarf for the city soccer team. I'm reppin Wisła now. Hopefully when I come home I'll have a bunch of those. Also you trade ties with your companion. Now I've got a classic Elder Vance tie. I'm gonna miss him, Vance was really cool. We had a great transfer. When President called he was like, "Now I've heard you're doing great down in Kraków, we don't want you getting too comfortable down there, so you're headed to Wrocław!"
So yeah I'm in Wrocław now. First things first, it is pronounced Vrots-wav, not Rowclaw. But it's a beautiful city. It's much cleaner here, but the buildings aren't quite as huge. People are saying that President has me on the "Pretty City" track. If that's true I'll be in Kraków, Wrocław, and Gdańsk, which would be sweet. Who knows.
Anyways, my new companion is Elder Torres. He seems like a pretty cool guy. He's been out for about 20 months now. He's from Phoenix. From what President told me, this transfer is gonna push me a lot.
So you've already heard a lot about this last week, not much has happened since the Skype call. We basically got our transfer calls the next day and spent the next couple days packing and saying goodbye to all the members. That was a little sad, but it's cool. Elder Vance is leaving too, he's headed to Poznań. Then Sister Gammon is headed to Warsaw, so it's just Sister Allowitz staying. You talked to her. The rest of us all had to say goodbye.
Mission Miracle! While I was on the train, the sisters were babysitting Elder Vance before he had to leave and they all ran into Tomasz! He was bummed to hear we were leaving, but he wants to meet the new missionaries! He's recommitted to baptism and he's gonna "Try to start fresh"! Woohoo!
Anyways, that's it for this week. Love you tons!
Na razie,
Elder Haskett
Monday, December 21, 2015
Oh Christmas Tree......
Hey Mom!
I gotta say, I'm a little jealous you're in Newport! I really do miss the beach, and the Shake Shack sounds pretty nice right about now. They don't do milkshakes here. Or peanut butter, but I already knew that was coming. Pictures are on the way!
Love you, see you Friday!Monday, December 14, 2015
Christmas in Poland
Hey Mom!
Good week here in Kraków! We're still going strong on the Christmas approach. Our caroling is getting much better, now that we actually know the songs. So good in fact, that the sisters set us up to sing by ourselves in the Christmas program in Church on Sunday. Woo.Monday, December 7, 2015
December is here!!!!!
We did have Zone Conference this past week. It was on December 1st, so it was all about getting us into our Christmas gear. It's really fun actually. We start out tracting by caroling now, which is way more fun. People try to offer us money all the time though, which sometimes it's hard to say no. Some guy tried to give us like 40zł the other day! Then regular street contacting is all about the birth of Christ, which people are much more receptive to. I think that's because it starts out all about Mary, but hey, whatever works works. I wear a Santa hat when we do both of those.
Our investigators are doing pretty well. Unfortunately we didn't get to meet with Tomasz this week, he was really busy, but we had a meeting with Marcin. He's doing better. Here's his problem. He doesn't believe in praying about the Book of Mormon.
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